Quilin (3)

The first round of attacks caused by the three mages from the Templar Code finally stopped. Behind the thick smoke, the Quilin had not made any sound nor movements.

After three seconds, when there was still no activity behind the smoke, the mage with the spear finally moved.

"Cover for me," he told his comrades without looking at them.

With great caution, he approached the smoke-filled area where the Quilin was. He brandished his golden spear to the side and roused his magic, preparing an attack if the beast would make a sneak attack.

However, after two meters, he felt a tinge of coldness at his nape. This coldness was not because he suddenly felt nervous, but because he felt an incoming danger!

"Incoming!" The mage with the spear exclaimed as he turned around and looked at their back.

True to his instinct, fifty meters from him, he sensed a fast approaching unknown object.

It was unknown because he could not sense what it was.