Do I Look Like I Need More Strength?


The Quilin's eyes immediately narrowed, and its aura rose menacingly.

[Even if you are the Dragon Lord, you think you can just—.]

"I am asking nicely," Kyran interrupted while also releasing his aura. "If you don't want to give it to me then tell me your terms."

He crossed his arms across his chest, not one bit intimidated by the Quilin's rising aura.

[What terms? Did you think I will just—."]

"Either you tell me your terms or I take it by force," Kyran interrupted once more. "You know I can, so choose wisely."

As he said, Kyran could easily suppress the Quilin and take its horn by force. However, he did not because the Quilin still had a use. Besides, he was also interested in how it spoke about being a servant to the Imperial Dragons because it sounded as if dragons still existed.

The Quilin growled, but it did not make any movement. It really was easy for the Dragon Lord to take its horn by force.