Don't Test My Patience

Zephyr stopped in his tracks when he sensed the masked man following him. He turned to look at the man with a slight frown and crossly asked, "What else do you want?"

Kyran chuckled at the apparent irritation in Zephyr's voice and shamelessly replied, "I have decided to take you as my pet, what do you think?"

Hearing Kyran's bold declaration, Zephyr growled, his reptilian dark red eyes flashing menacingly.

"Don't test my patience, human. Scram!"

"Are you sure you want to talk to me in that way?" Kyran asked while stopping three meters in front of Zephyr.

He stood with his feet firm on the ground with hands on his hips. His stance alone exudes dominance that made Zephyr scowl in annoyance.

"Humph!" Zephyr scoffed while imitating Kyran's stance. "I'll talk to you in any way I like. Though I admit I fear your strength, in the end, you are still a human."

"Hm," Kyran replied with a nod.