Tower Of Tribulation (3)

At first glance, one would think Gustaff was only wearing a black long-sleeved shirt. But if one had a closer look, his arm was actually charcoal black. To be exact, his arm looked as if it was burned into a crisp, making it look like charcoal.

Kyran's scalp had gone numb just imagining what might have happened to him that his arm ended up like that. However, what dreaded him the more, was although Gustaff's arm had been charred black, he could still use it.

"This happened because I lacked resolve," Gustaff continued as he looked at his arm with a pained expression. Except, his pain seemed more because he failed because of his shortcomings, not from what became of his arm.

He looked at Kyran with a faint smile, "Though I failed, my arm only lost the sense of touch. It still let me keep my arm and let me leave that place."

'It?' Kyran wondered while keeping an indifferent expression.