Tower Of Tribulation (4)

Kyran watched with wide eyes as the crates inside the caravan got lifted off the floor from the lack of gravitational pull. As a matter of fact, he, too, got lifted from his seat as they fell.

He was about to scold Gustaff and Nolan for not telling him about this part of the journey when the caravan shook. Afterwards, the crates inside fell back into their places. Luckily, the crates did not crash onto each other.

Kyran also slumped back on his seat. The abrupt movement hurt his bottom, and he winced from the pain.

"Why didn't any of you warn me about that?" He asked through gritted teeth.

Gustaff and Nolan, who seemed to have awoken, answered simultaneously.

"Because it is fun to see the reactions of newcomers."

"Tell you and spoil my fun? No f*cking way."

The two exchanged glances and grinned at each other.

Kyran glared at them.