What Just Happened? (2)

A soft humming sound coming from the Shaiha filled the whole room as Kyran continued to heal Zephyr.

With Zephyr's huge frame, it was impossible for Kyran to heal him in a short time.

It took him nearly an hour just to close Zephyr's chest wound, then three more hours to heal it from the inside. After that, Kyran shared more of his Draconic energy with him, to assist his natural healing ability in adjusting his condition.

Nearly six hours from the time Kyran entered the temple, Zephyr's condition stabilizes.

Only when Kyran was positive of this that he finally asked, "Can you undo the reinforcement on the array?"

Zephyr looked at him thoughtfully. He knew why Kyran wanted him to undo his reinforcement. Because it was connected to his life force, it would be dangerous to make any adjustments to the array.

"Is... Is it really safe to do that?" Zephyr asked feeling hesitant.