The First War

"WHAT?" Zephyr exclaimed in shock. He sprang toward Kyran and grabbed his head to force his mouth open. "SPIT IT OUT!"

"Ngrgh!" Kyran scowled and hit Zephyr's head, making him fall to his knees.

"Awww!" Zephyr winced as he crouched down.

"That hurts!" He complained while clutching his head, where a visble lump appeared from the spot where Kyran's fist landed.

Kyran glared at him while massaging his jaw.

"And what you did, didn't? What do you even mean spit it out? I did not eat it in the first place!" He berated Zephyr.

Zephyr looked at him while rubbing his head, "It doesn't matter how it entered your body, master! Take it out this instant!"

"I would have done so if I could!" Kyran replied in exasperation.

The pain he felt after the Shaiha's light covered his whole body made him blackout for a few seconds. When he came around, he was no longer in pain. However, he felt too exhausted to speak.