Piecing Information Together

'The Heart of the Cosmos,' Kyran repeated in his mind and closed his eyes.

He has not found any information about the Shaiha in the Tower of Tribulations, but he had read and heard of the Heart of the Cosmos.

In every branch of magic from Kyran's third training in the Tower of Tribulation, there would be at least one knowledge tablet that talked about it. There were differences in how they portrayed it, but two things they all had in common were that one it was a god-level item, and two, it had been lost after the great war of gods that happened a few millions of years ago.

For example, in Alchemy, the Heart of the Cosmos was known as a god-level material that could enhance a potion or pill grade to god-grade even when the materials used were all low-level.

Similarly, in Array, the Heart of the Cosmos could act as a catalyst that could easily encrypt any god-tier formulas into an array, even if the array level was only a saint-tier.