Why The Dragons Had Left

Kyran paused for a few seconds and sorted his thoughts.

Only when he had properly put aside what he had pondered to the back of his mind did he reply to Zephyr. He said, "I have read about the Heart of the Cosmos."

He stopped and smiled wryly before continuing, "It's a mouthful to say. Let's stick in calling it the Shaiha."

"Well, that is how it is originally called," Zephyr agreed with a nod. Then he frowned slightly and commented, "I am surprise you know the Heart of the Cosmos."

The Human plane was a backwater world that had only been breached once. Normally, after being invaded once, a plane would slowly develop and its magic law would adapt to the change. This was the influence brought by the 'outsiders.'

But the Human plane was different.

Its magic law was very profound that the influence of outsiders were not necessary. The only reason the Human plane had not developed much was because of the plane's unrestrained magic law.