Big News

How many weeks had passed since the first time Celine heard this voice? To be precise, Kyran Regis's voice?

Back then, she had been very curious to see the face under the huge cloak he had on. And when she finally saw his face, she was disappointed to find how much younger he was.

But that was the only disappointing part, for Celine, Kyran's age. Everything else about him had been perfect in her opinion.

Even his reckless and domineering side was very attractive, although she admitted to feeling very scared when he had threatened her in the abandoned warehouse.

When the attack in the Tower of Conclave happened, Celine knew it was Kyran's doing.

In the end, President Callan had to alter the memories of almost every person involved in the Mercenary Hall and the Tower of Conclave incident, and Celine's memories would have been altered too if she had not made an oath with President Callan.