Joint Military Exercise (1)

Kyran smiled bitterly, realizing what the Crown Princess was trying to do.

This time, he admitted she had pulled a fast one on him.

During the Crown Princess's surprise visit to the Tower of Conclave, she had brazenly poached for 'Tyr' in front of the Head Master of the Conclave. Her action revealed a little of what the Royal Family's intentions were.

In any case, because Kyran refused to give a definite answer to the Crown Princess's offer, they had come to an agreement that she would assess his work after getting the statements of those people who would receive his work.

However, it had only been the start of the week and yet Kyran's work had already taken most factions in the east part of the empire by storm. If this continues, then his worth would really be something the Royal Family could not afford.

Now, Kyran had more or less understood why the Royal Family made the Lumley Family move.