Solo Challenge (1)

A small smile tugged at the corner of Kyran's lips as he looked up at the spectators.

He had expected there would be spectators watching the competition. But he did not expect to be this many.

They arrived at their side of the arena and looked at the people up the balcony.

Looking at the obnoxious expressions these people had, Kyran guessed they were from the Three Noble Families.

"Tsk," a disgruntled gruff voice came in front of Kyran.

Kyran looked at the owner of the voice, before turning to look at the rest of the mercenaries. All of them wore annoyed expressions.

"This is a competition, why the f*ck are these stuck up nobles here? Do they think we are some show to pass their time?"

The one who had spoken was a seven-foot-tall buffed guy with a Skrillex reddish-brown hair, a bare top, and dark loose pants. A thick black scarf was wrapped around his neck covering half his face, giving emphasis to his sharp black eyes.