Solo Challenge (2)

"As long as that player keeps on winning, he will continue the challenge," Kyran continued.

Even before Kyran finished what he was saying, the Lumley Family erupted in anger from the spectator's stand.

"Who do you think you are?"

"Solo Challenge? Such audacity! Do you think you alone can threaten our family?"

"Looking down on us! Wait until the Lumley Elders make their final decision, you're dead after this event!"

One after another, the members of the Lumley Family exclaimed in anger. Others were spouting curses targeting Kyran— or Tyr's family and ancestors.

Most of the Courtenay Family members also looked at Kyran as if he had gone mental. While others— especially their female members— looked at him with amusement. They did not mind an arrogant man when he could back it with his actions.