The Montgomeray Family

The other match for the Solo Competition and Team Competition started on a good note.

At the dome's Function Hall 1, the first match in the Solo Competition between the Royal Army and the Montgomeray Family was underway.

A burly man in his early thirties, against what appeared to be a child mage.

Same as the members of the Montgomeray Family watching the Solo Competition at Function Hall 2, the child wore a mask, hiding his or her face. While they could not determine the child's age and gender, they were sure the child was at least ten years old. Because the arena's 'Array setting' would not have allowed a mage below ten years old to enter.

Although the arena's settings were only known by the Courtenay Family and the Royal Family.

But none of those really bothered the others because masks were something they associated with the Montgomeray Family since their Patriarch and even their Elder Council changed.