Real Threat of the Soul Emperor (2)

Kyran stopped in his tracks and glanced sideways at True Void.

True Void asked, "Do you know why humans panic?"

Before Kyran could reply, True Void continued, "Because they worry… they fear. And after fear they despair. Eventually, their despair would lead to madness..."

Kyran did not know where True Void's talk would lead. But sensing it was necessary, he remained silent.

"Humans who went mad end up doing outrageous and unspeakable things. In the past, when the demons invaded, a lot of humans had gone mad. Some who stayed sane went to war and fought the demons, but most gave in to madness and fell into the hands of the demons.

"Amidst the turmoil, the appearance of rifts worsened.

"You already know this while training in other planes, but rifts appear when a plane's magic law and balance is disturbed."