
"Why did you suddenly decide to tell me all these?" Kyran asked after a moment's pause.

True Void looked at Kyran in silence.

Kyran returned his gaze with raised brows, "What?"

"A new Soul Emperor has appeared, even if she is still a novitiate or as you say, only half complete. She will come after you. It is high time you learn truth and understand the legacy master has left you."

"Legacy, huh," Kyran repeated with a bitter smile. "It's more like a burden, to be honest."

True Void responded by patting Kyran's head while saying, "There. There."

Kyran glared at him but did not shove his small robotic hand,  "Were you keeping things from me because the Soul Emperor has not awakened yet?"

"Partly," True Void admitted. "You know what they say, if you unnecessarily talk about things that has not come to pass, you might end up inviting the Fates to make it happen."

"That's partly the reason, what's the other?"