A Safe Approach

Kairo continued to spin midair, increasing the range of the fire hurricane. In an instant, the temperature in the surroundings rose to an astonishing level, and the arena floor showed signs of melting.

"Tsk," Styx gritted his teeth and halted the ascent of his summoned boulder. He summoned more bouche shields and surrounded himself, making him appear like a pangolin atop a boulder.

The fire hurricane had now mostly covered the middle of the arena, and Styx was trapped inside.

If Styx had not summoned more shields, he would have been burned alive. It was not an exaggeration. Styx might be wearing the Nemean armor, but its magic defense was not high compared to its physical defense. He summoned it in the first place because Kairo was a Fire combat mage using dual swords, thinking that they would have more melee exchanges.

He did not expect Kairo to use fire elemental swords and create a wide area attack.