F*ck, Are You Guys Those Army Dogs' Spies?

The next round of the round-robin bracket got postponed for five minutes. The short break was due to the arena getting destroyed by Kairo's fire hurricane and Styx's boulders. The Courtenay activated the arena's array. At the moment, the array was restoring the arena to its original state.

Styx sat on the bench while glaring at the Royal Army's corner. He was not satisfied with the outcome of his match with Kairo, and it peeved him after realizing he had fallen into his scheme.

"A forced draw. That f*cking bastard! I'll skin him alive," he growled before downing the high-grade energy replenishing potion one of the Courtenay representatives handed after the first round of the round-robin bracket matches.

"Tyr said that's their likely plan now that their first plan failed," Rake replied while fixing the bandage around his mouth. He had only finished drinking his share of energy replenishing potion.