Blitz: Opening

The first time Kyran stayed in the Conclave, Stella had Malek prepare a room for him. But because he was busy training, he did not use it and stayed in the training room, thus turning the latter into his temporary room.

Currently, Malia had Cyneah stay in the room Kyran was supposed to stay in with his consent.

Although Malia did not say it, Kyran knew Stella suggested it. He did not say anything, but secretly, he was grateful because the temporary room might be liveable, but its atmosphere was not ideal for a recuperating patient.

With Cyneah staying in the room, Kyran did not have to go to the training grounds to check on her. At least she stayed close to the room he and True Void were in, discussing the mirror.

Kyran did not tell Malek and the others about the mirror. For one thing, he did not want to alarm them and until he could understand Haylee's intentions, he did not want them to worry about it.