Blitz: Uprising (1)

Because of Alary's worrying news, Kyran returned to the estate ahead of time. Initially, he wanted to meet with Byron and Silas before returning. But given the situation, he asked Alary to deliver a message to them instead.

Alary did not mind. As a matter of fact, he was ecstatic to be of help to Kyran.

Since Kyran could not warp directly inside the estate, he warped near the main gate of the Regis Estate's Outer Wall.

Alary said that the army would come from the east. If Kyran wanted to intercept them, the estate's main gate would be the best point to do so because it was located in the east.

The night had fallen, and the Regis Estate was shrouded in darkness, making it appear eerie and, at the same time, seem lonely.