Blitz: Overture (6)

Using his left hand, Kyran grabbed Gael's head and lifted him. After that, he kicked him on the side using his right knee.


"ARGH!" Gael cried out in pain as he felt his lower ribs crack. He even felt his lumbar vertebra get dislocated after receiving the brunt of the kick.

Kyran did not stop there. Right after kicking Gael, he punched him— not once, or twice, but several times.

If this had been any other time, Kyran would not have bothered to take his time dealing with Gael. He would have ended it real quick by using his left. After all, even if he utilized 1% of the Draconic magic, he could exert more force with his left and easily destroy, not only Gael's bones but also turn his internal organs. When that happened, Gael would definitely die from internal bleeding.

Err... that is if Gael's torso remained intact after getting punched by Kyran's left.