Blitz: Krieg (1)

Inside the Tower of Conclave's conference room, Malek and the rest of the Conclave council members gathered for an emergency meeting. Because more people were present for the meeting, Sigma created additional chairs to accommodate everyone.

Seven chairs had been added around the table, and the council members pushed their chairs to make room. With the addition of these chairs, the usually spacious table appeared crowded.

An awkward tension also hung in the air as most of the people at the table— specifically, Malek and his side— looked at the people occupying the seats opposite the head seat, where Stella was.

These people were none other than Euan, Mannick and five aides under the latter's leadership.

On the other hand, Stella looked at them with a calm yet unreadable expression. Her attitude had been the same even when Euan and Mannick arrived with thousands of soldiers at such short notice.