Blitz: Krieg (2)

When Kyran left Tracomill, his destination was the Tower of Conclave— specifically, where he and True Void warped Mannick and the others.

Since he was still wearing the army's uniform and had a mask on, no one paid close attention to him.

There, Kyran learned that Euan and Mannick were in a meeting with the Conclave. Thus, he decided to warp into the conference room.

When Kyran appeared, he did so discreetly. He did not materialize the void like last time. There was not even a fluctuation in the air when the void opened, and he stepped out. None of the people inside the conference room noticed Kyran. Not even Stella, who would usually react whenever she sensed him nearby, nor Mannick, whose magic was very sensitive to magic energies. Everyone's attention was directed at the center of the table, which projected a holographic rendition of the empire.