Finale (4)

Mimi and Zuri tensed and immediately turned to face the voice's owner. They were about to take out their magic weapons, but a powerful and suffocating magic pressure fell on them, forcing them to their knees instantly.

Nevertheless, they still managed to face the person who had spoken and were shocked at what they had seen.


"T-This can't be—. This is impossible!"

Ane, who was supposed to be bound by chains made of anti-cast stones, was now standing in front of them. She was also the one who released the magic pressure that almost sent Mimi, Zuri, and the rest of the Montgomeray family members with them to suffocate.

"Heh~, why is it impossible?" Ane asked with a sweet smile. "You say such strange things at times, you know, Mimi."

Mimi's brow furrowed after realizing the person before them was Ane but also not her at the same time. It was hard to explain, but there was something different about her that made Mimi think this way.