
Whooosh! Whooosh! Whooosh!

Blade-like winds came at Kyran in several directions. The distance between them was too compact that even with his stature and flexibility, it would be impossible to dodge successfully.

An attack like that could only be made by someone who had years of practice because it only took that person a few tries to adjust the aim and distance of the attack.

'Young man, what are you doing? Do that disappearing act and escape!'

Kyran chuckled inwardly after hearing the old man's warning.

He would not have been able to dodge the blade-like attack if he had been a normal combat mage. Unfortunately for his assailant, he was the Void Master.

Teleporting to dodge the attack was simple. But Kyran did not want to do that because there were far too many enemies around, and there was no telling if one of them managed to escape and alert their leaders that they found a suspicious mage that could teleport.