Origin of The Law of the Land

'You talked so fluently and disguised almost to perfection that it slipped my mind you are not from here,' the old man said, slightly amused.

'I understand most of your language by now,' Kyran admitted. 'But there are still terms I don't know since no one really talked about them in the first town I've been to.'

'You learned our language by listening to those in the first town you've been to?' The old man asked incredulously.

'Mm,' Kyran replied curtly. He could not tell the old man about him learning some of their language in the Tower of Tribulations after studying so many runes. Thus, he thought it was fine to let the old man think he learned their language through listening through conversations. It was half true, anyway.

The old man chuckled while shaking his head, 'You truly amazed me. It makes me wonder how your brain works.'

'Please spare my brain.'