Not As Expected (4)

When Hilam and the rest saw the supplies disappear, they panicked.

"Don't space out. Let's go."

Kyran's snapped them out of their panicked state. They all turned to him and found he was already a few steps away.

"Wait!" Hilam called hurriedly. "The supplies have been—!"

"Secured," Kyran replied without looking back. "Let's move. If possible, I'd like to get out of the forest before night falls."

They all looked at each other dumbfoundedly after hearing Kyran confirm that the supplies were secured. They did not even see him move or feel any fluctuations in the air if he used a device to take the supplies.

"H-He has a point," Yalen said and resolutely followed Kyran. She still did not know how he took all those supplies, but if they kept mulling over it and wasting their time, they would be unable to find a place to stay before night falls.

The forest was not a good place to rest because of all the ferocious beasts.