Not As Expected (5)

'Y-Young man... don't you think you've tested them long enough?'

The old man's worried voice echoed in Kyran's head.

A few hours had passed since the latter left to 'hunt for his food' and left the group to protect the supplies. At the moment, the group was not looking that good.

Kyran ignored the old man and gazed down from his location to where Hilam and the others were.

They were battling two ferocious beasts that reminded Kyran of Theihorns. The only difference was their whole body was covered in black scales, and they were not using Wind magic but Ice. The old man called those beasts Glyves, and were normally found in this part of the land.

Hilam and another Eidum were engaged with the one at the front, while three others fought with the one at the back.

The remaining fighters remained with the two healers protecting and shielding them along the supplies.