Not As Expected (6)

Yalen looked at Kyran, wanting to thank him. But seeing the unconscious bloody Soria in his arms, she struggled to get up and heal her.

"If you use your magic now, you'll only worsen your condition," Kyran knelt and gently laid Soria to the ground before forcing Yalen to sit still. He looked her straight in the eye and added, "You'll just be another casualty. Is that what you want?"

Yalen pursed her lips, wanting to protest. But then she tasted the blood she had spat just a minute ago and fell silent.

Seeing her comply, albeit reluctantly, to his advice, Kyran turned his attention to checking the state of the other Eidums. He called, "Come closer, all of you. Let me check your wounds."

"C-Check our wounds?" Hilam repeated. He was still slumped on the ground. Too weak to move. Still, he could not help but react strongly to everything Kyran said.