
"You almost gave Azikh and Gidan a heart attack with that suggestion," Cyneah told Kyran with a hopeless smile as they went to the Infirmary.

Almost two hours had passed after the four met in the receiving room, and Kyran had suggested a conquest.

Azikh and Gidan initially thought they did not hear Kyran properly. But when the latter continued to explain his suggestion, they turned pale, and Azikh almost fainted.

Gidan had it better but was also scared out of his wits.

By the time Kyran finished his explanation, the two more or less understood why he suggested a conquest. Even so, that move was such a huge leap that they could not respond immediately.

In the end, Kyran did not try to persuade them. In return, he asked them to think it over and consider it. The two agreed and promised to give him their answer tomorrow.

Because of the raid, Gidan was too exhausted to think properly and did not want to overlook anything when deciding.