Be More Ambitious

'Who wanted to meet with me? The King of the Armakeans?' The old man asked.

Since Gael was connected with Kyran and absorbed plenty of complete beings, he could hear and understand the Abbot. He could also speak their language pretty well.

'I came here to find out,' Gael admitted. 'The leader of the mercenary group in Howling Pass that received the request said that the person who came to them was using an advanced concealment spell, which prevented them from figuring out his origin. As a matter of fact, he was not even sure if the person was a he or a she. He had one of his people with a powerful stealth spell follow that client and was led to this place.

'After they confirmed that their client was indeed someone from Armakea and likely had a high status because no one dared to stop him for his clearance when he entered the borders, the mercenary group stopped their investigation and did what they had been asked to do.