Attack (3)

Kyran read about Comodos in the Regis Archive. In the Human plane, they were primarily found in the south, so he never got to see one in person. However, according to the updated records, those in the south no longer possessed dragon blood. The reason was that they crossbred with other species to preserve their kind, which resulted in the thinning of their dragon blood. Some of these species became what was known as the current Chameleons, Hatuis, Longmas, Quilins, and Wyverns. Still, these hybrid species were considered extinct, and some nations even forbid hunting their kind.

Some of these hybrid species, like the Chameleons and Hatuis, would sometimes produce offspring that looked much like a Comodo. The difference, however, was that they had a small build, and their scales were more reptilian.

In any case, the current Comodos in the Human plane could be considered fakes.