Attack (4)

Gael sped through the field that separated the Armakea and Eidum's borders. He made full use of his shadow-sensing to scout for any presence up ahead but to no avail.

With a slight frown, he stopped and summoned his Shadow minions and ordered them to scatter in several directions. After that, he left and moved forward.

Several minutes later, Gael still failed to sense anything, which worried him. It was one thing not to sense Achim and the others but to fail to sense any other lifeforms within his shadow-sensing range, that did not bode well.


Suddenly, Gael's connection to one of his Shadow minions disappeared.

Krsshh! Krsshh!

Before he could make sense of what had happened, one after another, his connection with the rest of the Shadow minions also disappeared.

Gael abruptly stopped and retracted his shadow-sensing. After which, he summoned a Shadow barrier, encasing himself in a huge black sphere.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!