Oppression (5)

[See? You see now? Since you chose to ogle at her, she managed to change tactic by going range!]

Kyran's brow twitched. As much as he missed True Void's ranting in his head, he found it somewhat frustrating. In the first place, it did not matter if Kesiah attacked him at a distance. because he could warp directly at her. The only reason it appeared as if she had even out the odds against him was because he chose not to. As a matter of fact, he did not want to use magic to deal with her and her forces.

Earlier, when he closed in on her, he only used his natural speed. At the moment, he had to refrain using Draconic magic and though he was circulating Void magic energy, he only did so in support of True Void. After all, the magic energy that True Void had absorbed only allowed him to recover and wake up. To ensure he stayed awake, Kyran had to share his own magic energy.

Kyran rolled to the side to avoid the relentless attack from Kesiah's Divine Armament.