Oppression (4)


Kyran's figure disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, he had shortened the distance between him and Kesiah.

"Your Highness!"

"Princess Kesiah!"

Gaham and the rest of the Armakean officers and knights who saw the speed of the Eidum's mysterious helper were flabbergasted. They were told of his strength; some even witnessed it with their own eyes. But the speed he had shown paled in comparison to what they knew.

They wanted to assist her however they could, but they could only watch because they were occupied with the remaining two magical beasts and the rest of the horde.

Kesiah was also surprised, but unlike the others, she was prepared for the worst. Thus, the moment she saw the mysterious helper disappear from her sight, she raised her scimitars and gracefully whirled her body to deflect the mysterious helper's incoming attack.