Oppression (3)

"Die!" Kesiah shouted as her body glowed with a fierce red light.


The Basilisk hissed in pain as he thrashed his body around to get her off his head. However, with one of her feet digging into his head, it proved to be a taxing endeavour. He also suffered many fatal injuries, and thrashing his body made him lose blood faster than he would have liked.

As the light that covered Kesiah grew brighter, her foot went deeper into the Basilisk's head. Just a little bit more, and she could ground his brain and kill him.


"Princess Kesiah!"

A dark blue and purple glint flew toward Kesiah, seemingly keen on going past her neck.

A few knights nearby saw the glint even before it neared her and immediately shouted to warn her. They also moved, with a few with long-range weapons as their Divine Armament, aiming at the incoming glint.