Intervene (6)

The reason Chrysanthemum and her people's senses had received a sudden boost was because their magic cores had awakened and absorbed enough magic energy once more.

Another reason they detected the presence of those ominous energies was because they had lived in Somuli for a long time and, thus, could differentiate differences in energies in the surroundings. Besides that, Somuli naturally had thin magic energy. With those ominous energies suddenly appearing, someone with powerful perception and senses would definitely notice them. They were practically sticking out like a sore thumb.

If not for these, Chrysanthemum and the few of her brethren with her would not have noticed the arrival of the owner of those ominous energies.

"Lady Chrysanthemum..."

A female spirit standing beside Chrysanthemum muttered, her voice shaking slightly from fear.

"Focus on the task at hand," Chrysanthemum reminded, wanting to divert their attention.