Intervene (7)

Cyneah was also aware of the hostile stares of the enemies. Although she could not see them per se, their piercing looks had practically condensed into something tangible.

Nevertheless, every attempt of the Elders to get close to Cyneah was either stopped by Malek activating the air pressure effect of his domain or Jita swinging her Divine Armament, which was an ice whip sword that could extend up to three meters, at them.

Meanwhile, Nahir and the others outside Malek's domain continued to engage the three elders and their people.

There were instances where the Eidums were attacked by some of the enemies. However, because of the combat lessons they received from Kyran, they were not entirely hopeless. As a matter of fact, they could inflict status effects on the enemies with each of their attacks.

Still, doing this put a lot of strain on the Eidums because they were both attacking and supporting the others at every opportunity they could find.