All Hell Break Loose (16)

The Shaiha's concealment had been in effect all this time, preventing Deus from sensing the type of magic energy the massive fissure emitted. Apart from that, Kyran learned magic in an unconventional way, not following the right course where basics and fundamentals should have been established first; thus, right from the start, he could summon his magic without any magic arrays. Although whenever he did, purple rings would appear instead, once he summoned those fissures, he never required them.

As soon as the color of Kyran's armor changed, his temperament also did. He was quite aggressive and oppressive when he was wearing the silver armor, but now, there was a certain tranquility about him. However, within that tranquility lies a very predominant air— akin to a ruler that reigns supreme over all things.

Before Deus could comprehend the change that happened to his target, the latter had moved.