All Hell Break Loose (17)

With the giant automaton summoned by the white-robed man blocking the massive fissure, the gigantic automaton and its fellow automatons managed to avoid getting pulled in as well.

Mo's team summoned their Divine Armaments and engaged Breira and his group in another battle below while Mo looked toward Armak's location above and glowered in anger. By then, he was already aware of the latter being removed from the King's pact and was determined to mete out a similar punishment he declared unto Breira— death.

As a matter of fact, Armak and Breira were not the only ones. Mo was determined to kill every member of the rebellion.

While Kyran saw all this from above, Armak looked at him and asked, "Master, their numbers are simply too great for us. Even with our combined efforts, it is impossible for us to deal with them with Mo and that giant automaton at the helm. I suggest we retreat, regroup, and find the right place to lure them and defeat them one at a time."