Gathering (2)

A few hours passed, and the tower's entrance remained closed. This means that there were still clans that had yet to enter the transmission array on their end.

"How long are we going to wait for the others?" a representative of the Adamas Clan asked no one in particular among his clan.

The leader of Adamas Clan wandered his eyes around the platform and frowned.

"We have everyone," he started with a slight frown, "or, at least, the clans who participated last time."

"It seems there are new clans who found their portal that we failed to account for," another representative commented with a frown.

"Hm..." the leader representative agreed while looking toward the Blade Dancer Clan's leader representative.

The latter noticed his gaze and looked toward him before subtly shaking his head as if to say he was also unaware of new clans discovering a portal.