I Can Prove It To You

Leif was familiar with the two Dragon Clan representatives who approached them. They were known as two of the rising young dragons of the second tribe under the Dragon Clan's original tribes: Ladon and Thorn.

Ladon, like most of the tribes that belonged to the original tribes, had silver hair and silver-gold eyes. His hair was long and tied in a single braid, with shiny pearls with bluish color. He only wore leather armor, but it was made with exquisite materials that resembled the scales of a water dragon.

In contrast to Ladon's long silver hair, Thorn's was short and messy. His eyes were also more golden than silver, which gave him a more fierce expression than the other representatives. His leather armor was also made with exquisite materials, resembling a gold dragon.

Leif immediately warned her fellow representatives to remain silent through telepathy. After which, she put on a smile and directed it at Ladon, who had a better temperament between the two.