A Group of Three

Shaiha nearly fainted from anger at Kyran's action. Though she was not familiar with Ladon and Thorn because they were fairly young dragons, she gleaned from their attitude that the chivalrous spirit of the old generation of dragons was no longer with them.

This was likely caused by the overwhelming prestige the old generation had established and the steady rise in influence and power of their leader, the Dragon Emperor, which made even The Emperor wary of him, even if he was a level lower.

It was glaringly evident how the younger generation had succumbed to arrogance, a trait that was becoming increasingly hard to ignore.

In a sense, Shaiha could not blame Kyran for becoming disillusioned and acting the way he did. But to be fair, his actions right now could also be considered a display of arrogance and stupidity. After all, the Dragon Clan was not the Regis Clan and Kyran's disappointment with them was needless.

No... Maybe...