Please Reconsider

"Master should arrive soon, Young Mistress," Auto-one informed Cyneah after detecting a slight change in the magic fluctuation in the air.

Cyneah, her curiosity piqued, tilted her head slightly in Auto-one's direction and asked, "Have you confirmed it with that powerful presence in the tower?"

Auto-one shook his head, "No, Young Mistress. I can only communicate in the tower's central memory bank but not directly with the Tower. However, the shift in the air's magic fluctuation is similar to someone about to open a portal."

"I'm surprised you can detect such things," Cyneah commented in surprise.

"I may be bound to my master, but I am also one of the tower's custodians. This connection allows me to sense even the slightest changes in magic fluctuations in the air within the tower. However, my abilities are limited. There are certain types of magic or array that elude my senses," Auto-one explained patiently.