
Undoubtedly, it would be a while before Shiloh, and Uilleam could successfully persuade the Solis representative to divulge information about his clan willingly. However, Kyran was not burdened with this concern, as he was confident that Shiloh and Uilleam would figure out a way to overcome this problem on their own.

Kyran did not respond immediately.

As the idea of Shiloh, Uilleam, and the Solis representatives acting as his spies settled in Kyran's mind, a wave of unease washed over him. He yearned to convert them into his Servants before they returned to their clans, but the harsh reality of his low mage level shattered that notion.

Considering this, Kyran considered marking them, as he did with Olivia and a few others in the Somuli plane.

The problem was that marking would leave a trace.