Gate Creation

Contrary to Nolan's attitude when he heard Kyran's message from Kairos, he proactively gathered the necessary items and people that would assist in creating a gate leading to the Higher Realm.

Kyran did not send any array calculations for the gate's creation when he asked Kairos to deliver his message. He did not have to. The warp-like array that he, along with Cade, and several other Array Specialists from the Conclave, Regis Clan, and Royal Family drafted to find the missing people from the empire, especially their Emperor, would be enough as their base formation.

They would have to change and improve several of the array's calculations but with it as the base, Nolan and Cade could succeed in creating the gate.

From other's perspectives, it was touching how much faith Kyran had in his father and uncle that they would succeed in creating the gate.

Nolan, however, screamed: Bullsh*t.