Energy Assimilation Array

"Y-Young Master..." Raya's voice quivered nervously as he looked at Kyran. "A-Are you serious about this?"

Kyran smiled at him wryly and asked, "Why do you think, otherwise?"

"N-No... But, you see... right?" Raya shook his head and exchanged nervous glances at the other Regis members looking at the new array formation that Kyran had drawn after reviewing the incomplete draft of the seal's formation they tried to recreate.

"It is not that we think creating it is impossible but the materials..." Shimon, the vice leader of Raya's squad started to voice his opinion.

Before he could finish speaking, he and Raya exchanged looks again.

"Actually, it is not the materials..." Shimon slowly corrected himself. "But..."

"I don't doubt your Array Knowledge, Young Master," another member spoke up.

Kyran looked at him and remembered the member's name was Jettson. He could be considered a distant relative now because he was the son of his fourth cousin.