chapter 11 : back to work

after punishing some delinquent kid Nagato return to his home wondering if he has done the right thing the thought in Nagato head was "I wanted a normal life away from bloodshed I always feel that what a normal person life would be like away from all this shit " Nagato get a little upset and headed to his balcony to smoke and clear his mind then he says to himself I always have followed order not having any will of my own and carry out orders without question I was telling myself that I was looking for an excuse to come back but doing something good for someone first it was a different feeling then recall maybe tomorrow after work I should visit the girl in the hospital to see how she's doing.


The same routine starts again he wakes up and goes to work when he was on his way to his office cabin the people around started to whispering where he passes by he got curious but do not pay attention to the whisper and head to his office cabin he sits down and started his after some time his arrogant senior come rushing in office and slap Nagato his expression does not change a bit when he gets a slap and he glares at his senior he got scared and started to yell at Nagato why you made the slide so complex that I was humiliated in front of senior director and everyone else Nagato reply to his senior " what are you saying sir I made it as easy as possible even a newbie was able to deliver it " he's facing got red after hearing that and he was about to again slap him but stop in the middle Nagato was still glaring at him and he left the cabin yelling he will screw him and fu@k hm up Nagato sign by saying he a fu@k up all the way up to his head.

after doing some work he got thirsty he gets up to get some water at the water dispenser another his colleague come he grab a cup to get water then he says to Nagato " man I do not how you did it but it was wrong " Nagato stop drinking his water in midway and reply " what are you talking about " the colleague reply " what are you so innocent about it everyone known in the company " Nagato still clueless the colleague started to explain I was saying that you have guts to pull something like that did you not get the email there soon will be an investigation in the company for the recent corruption of 5 million dollars in the company and your name was there he gets shocked and run toward his cabin to check the email where he read that he has been convicted as a suspected in company corruption and in the 2-day investigation after he finds guilty he will be charged 5-year prisonment meanwhile he can work in that 2 days he has immediately known who done this and with angry face clenching his fist goes to the director cabin he shout at his director what is this do you see the email i am suspect for corruption in the company there has to be mistake director with smile started to say to nagato " there is nothing wrong with the email you are the one that are suspect for corruption " in his drawer he put a paper and pen in front of nagato saying just accept that you have done corruption i will try to reduce you sentence nagato get angry and say to his director " i known you and your nephew has done this i will find every evidence it will not be me but you and your nephew that will behind bar " director reply " you got mad nagato please at least let me finish talking you known my retirement is next year and there will only be penny that will be given to me even what you will earn in five year it will be less than what i am going to offer you 1 million dollar i will give you you just have to accept that you have done this corruption i have all the files ready for this what do you say "

Nagato did not reply get up and started to leave the director cabin when he opens the door he says to the director this is not over yet and go to his cabin he sits down and started to work remembering what his director say to him he gets pissed the pen in his hand got snapped into two in his mind he said to himself that director the does not know that what he earns in the year in past I earn it doing one job 1 million fu@k him if an innocent man was there he can do nothing to them if he legally sues them director has a connection to higher people and he has a famous lawyer that can make thing difficult but who says I am an innocent man that will go to court sort thing out. look like I have to do this my way so they never do this to other employees

end of chapter 11