chapter 12 cleaning up workspace

Nagato has been put on the suspect list on company corruption it all been set up by the director and his nephew Nagato known that if he was a normal guy it will be troublesome to deal with them with their connection to higher up people because he was a company data manager he known the company very well he started to research the corruption where it was started when he was digging their data he found that they have been eating up a retirement fund of the employees that work here and only giving them the portion of their fund they are also illegally selling reject the product and making a profit with them there even lots of cases against them from sexual harassment to leaking company secret after all company cannot ignore all that and started an investigation but Nagato suspect that there is a person among investigation team that is working under director.

the big concern that was bothering Nagato did he handle it his way or use the legal tactics to solve this he thought to himself that they are the worst kind of scum he has seen using the legal tactics to counter them is futile so let f@ck them up to his way he started with his nephew he known his schedule precisely and when he is going to smoke so he waited for that moment when he goes out to smoke on the roof he started smoking and in his mind was " that bastard Nagato he was trying to act all high and mighty I tell him I will f@ck him up " suddenly the Nagato was beside him also smoking he got shocked that he did not even feel his presence when he comes besides him.

his senior started to say to Nagato " hey f@cker what are you doing here "

Nagato reply " doing the same thing as you smoking "

senior " hey f@cker do not try to act cool now in two days your going to jail are you come here to suicide maybe it better if you jump from a higher building maybe you can survive the fall from here "

Nagato reply " yes you are right senior I was wondering the same that what will happen when I throw you off the roof where should I throw you how about that little garden we have there are trees and plants boundary that may decrease your fall impact "

senior gets angry and his face turns red and he grabs Nagato collar started to shout at him by saying " hey you b@tch are you threatening me how about I kill you right then he throws a slap but Nagato caught it he gets shocked because never before Nagato have caught his slap Nagato tighten his grip on his wrist the senior was trying his best to get away but was powerless but Nagato releases his grip and the senior took distance with fingerprint in his wrist he senior was shocked and started to fear in his mind there was a whole lot of question started to go around

was this bastard always this strong he is bluffing he is a weak nerd he is just bluffing I will show him my boxing skill and punch him he will get scared and run away his senior shout hey fucker I was a boxing genius in high school he started to punch in the air to scare Nagato and say to Nagato today you will be my punching bag.

Nagato sign and get close to his senior he get scared and throw a punch at him Nagato counter the punch and hit him in the chin get started to get unconscious before his eyes were closing he only see Nagato feet when he woke up he was upside down hanging his feet were tied with a rope when he started to panic he was trying to reach for the rope Nagato shout at him "stop" he sees Nagato is standing right where he is hanging Nagato started to say to him " hey b@ch of a senior if you panic like that you will fall even before I ask you something if you stay clam I will try to throw you in someplace where you can at least survive "

the senior started to cry and beg Nagato to pull him up Nagato was only smiling see this hilarious moment someone who was acting high and mighty is crying like a b@tch the blood was started to go toward his head even before he dies from the fall he will surely die from brain hemorrhage he started to beg that he will do anything that he wants if he pulls him up

Nagato pulls out a cigarette started to smoke and say to his senior " that was the thing i wanted to hear from you "

end of chapter 12