chapter 13 cleaning up workplace (2)

the story continues after Nagato made him say he will do anything if he pulls him up from hanging on the building upside down when Nagato pull him he gets on his knee started to pant heavily he was sweating a lot when he looks at his hand it was trembling he get up started to shout Nagato again " how dare you to do this to me do you know I can die from falling here i will call the police and get you to jail right now " Nagato sign again and say to his B@tch of a senior do you realize why I do not call you by the name because you both are not worthy of anyone respect you are the scum of the society that leeches of hard-working individual work you knew when I start working I see many people here were like a robot doing as exactly as told having the fear that they can get fire if they do something wrong that bring loss to the company they were just working to earn money and survive in the society but when I see people like you were carefree earning credit that was not your living the life the employees were dreaming they would after all that you pick the wrong person to mess i may not correct the system but i can correct people like you so i can make my life peaceful again.

senior get scared and when he tried to take out the phone he did not find it he says to Nagato " where is my phone "

Nagato takes out the phone from his pocket and says to his senior " is this the phone you were referring to I was exploring it has quite an interesting thing in it senior remember that he has made some material in case his uncle betray him he has something to get back at him but it was in the drive it was protected with password how does he open it he was in thought when suddenly Nagato say to him I have to say you made my work easier now I have the evidence against both of you that worth enough that you will be behind the prison for a long time suddenly the senior got so scared that he knew that he has screw big time he started to apologize and begging to give his mobile back he will treat him nicely give him the big position in the company if he gives his mobile back Nagato starts laughing uncontrollable and say to him I never see a F@cker like you still trying to pull this old trick on me maybe even hanging upside down was not enough how about I throw you for real this time.he got so scare that he rush to the door of the roof to get away from nagato but the door was lock nagato smile and say " dumbass do you think that i will not lock the door first before hanging you i known a coward like you will first think to runaway to save his own skin i have great connection to the guard he give me the key to the door now on this roof there is only you and me and only way that you can get away from here is through me.

senior then started to beg Nagato to let him go he was terrified he was shocked which he thought was nerd was a cold-blooded person Nagato then says " there is one way that I can let you go " senior get happy " what is it please let me go I will do the thing you will ask " Nagato " in 2 years you have to slap me around 1,238 times I will slap you the same amount if you do not pass out and survive I will let you go he got shocked that he has gone mad how will I survive 1000 slap then Nagato grab his collar and started slapping after 5 slap he faces got swell blood started to come out of the nose senior was try to say sorry when Nagato slap him 6 times he got to pass out Nagato got surprised saying he thought "I was surprised he survived my 5 slap in my prime only 2 was enough to pass out a person "

end of chapter 13